
Theme cutie has evolved from v1.x to v2.x with a refreshed and fine tuned design and more features. Follow the following instruction to install and use it. You may navigate this website to experience the new look and interaction of v2.x.

Thank you for your stars and support.


Install for a new site

Make sure you install node.js and hexo through command line. Refer to official Hexo doc for detailed instruction.
Working directory
Make sure your terminal (command line) is currently in the folder where you want to create the site.
Installation steps
The first step is the standard hexo installation step. If you have done them, skip to step 2.
1. Initialize your site
bash hexo init your-site-folder cd your-site-folder npm install
2. [Optional][Recommended] Uninstall hexo-renderer-marked and install hexo-renderer-markdown-it and associated plugins.
bash npm un hexo-renderer-marked --save npm i hexo-renderer-markdown-it --save npm i markdown-it-emoji --save npm i markdown-it-mark --save npm i markdown-it-deflist --save npm i markdown-it-container --save
3. Download [latest theme cutie]( and unzip it to `themes/` folder in your site. Then rename it to `cutie`.
Initial configuration file
_config.yml in the root path of your site.
Initial configuration
1. Follow standard hexo initial configuration:
2. Add variables or modify the variables in your _config.yml according to following snippet.
    ```yml _config.yml
      enable: true
      line_number: true
      auto_detect: false
        html: true
        xhtmlOut: false
        breaks: false
        linkify: true
        typographer: true
        quotes: '“”‘’'
        - markdown-it-abbr
        - markdown-it-footnote
        - markdown-it-ins
        - markdown-it-sub
        - markdown-it-sup
        - markdown-it-deflist
        level: 1
        collisionSuffix: 'v'
        permalink: false
        permalinkClass: header-anchor
        permalinkSymbol: ""
        permalinkBefore: false
    date_format: ll
      per_page: 0
      yearly: true
      monthly: false
      daily: false
    theme: cutie
Bring site alive
bash hexo s --debug

Install for an existing site

Working directory
Make sure your terminal (command line) is currently in the root folder of the site.

Installation steps

  1. [Optional][Recommended] Uninstall hexo-renderer-marked and install hexo-renderer-markdown-it and associated plugins.

     npm un hexo-renderer-marked --save
     npm i hexo-renderer-markdown-it --save
     npm i markdown-it-emoji --save
     npm i markdown-it-mark --save
     npm i markdown-it-deflist --save
     npm i markdown-it-container --save
  2. Download latest theme cutie
    and unzip it to themes/ folder in your site. Then rename it to cutie.

Initial configuration file
_config.yml in the root path of your site.
Initial configuration
1. Follow standard hexo initial configuration:
2. Add variables or modify the variables in your _config.yml according to following snippet.
    ```yml _config.yml
      enable: true
      line_number: true
      auto_detect: false
        html: true
        xhtmlOut: false
        breaks: false
        linkify: true
        typographer: true
        quotes: '“”‘’'
        - markdown-it-abbr
        - markdown-it-footnote
        - markdown-it-ins
        - markdown-it-sub
        - markdown-it-sup
        - markdown-it-deflist
        level: 1
        collisionSuffix: 'v'
        permalink: false
        permalinkClass: header-anchor
        permalinkSymbol: ""
        permalinkBefore: false
    date_format: ll
      per_page: 0
      yearly: true
      monthly: false
      daily: false
    theme: cutie
Bring site alive
bash hexo s --debug


From v2.x

Installation steps
1. Delete themes/cutie/ folder in your site.
2. Download the desired version of theme cutie from release page, unzip it to themes/ folder and rename it to cutie.
There is a mimimal version requirement for each configuration, make sure your installed version is above it to use the corresponding configuration.

From v1.x

Installation steps
1. Delete themes/cutie/ folder in your site.
2. Download the desired version of theme cutie from release page, unzip it to themes/ folder and rename it to cutie.
From v2.x, theme cutie uses Hexo data file (sources/_data/cutie.yml) to store all configurations, instead of using the _config.yml file of your site in v1.x. And the YAML structure has changed compared to v1.x.
The recommendation is to configure the theme cutie from scratch using the following configuration guidelines.

You may copy or reuse some configurations about theme cutie in your old `_config.yml` along the way. 

Please post an issue if you have hard time migrating your configurations from v1.x to v2.x.



Minimal version
Taurus: v2.0.0-alpha
Configuration file
_config.yml of site
Configuration format
Set language variable in your site’s _config.yml file.
```yml _config.yml
- en
- zh-cn
- it
The first row will be your site's default language.
Default configuration
If configuration is omitted, the default setting is en. Site will be displayed in English.
Currently, theme cutie only supports three languages: English, Italian and 简体中文.
1. Italian translation is contributed by @fastbyte01
2. More translation is welcomed if you are interested in contribution. You may add new language files in themes/cutie/languages folder according to Hexo’s guideline: and feel free to send me pull request.


This concept is from hexo-theme-next, the most popular theme for Hexo, in which it uses different themes for different layout design. In theme cutie, it follows the similar idea and provides the opportunity to choose different layout design using scheme.

Minimal version
Taurus: v2.0.0-alpha
Configuration file
Configuration format
Set scheme variable to scheme name to enable a theme scheme.
```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
  scheme: Taurus # Avaliable values: Taurus
Default configuration
If configuration is omitted, the default setting is Taurus, scheme Taurus is enabled.
Currently, theme cutie only has Taurus theme, which is a two-column text-icon-based layout. Contribution is welcomed from developers or designers for new schemes.
For contributors
1. To add a new scheme, create a new file your-scheme-name.css in folder themes/cutie/source/css/ and add your own scheme style in it.
2. The system will automatically search for this css file and load it using the theme name your-scheme-name when changing the scheme configuration to your-scheme-name.


Minimal version
Configuration file
Configuration format
Set use_animation to true or false to enable or disable site animations.
```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
  use_animation: true # Avaliable values: true, false
Default configuration
If configuration is omitted, the default setting is true, animation is enabled.

Theme cutie uses in-site search for the site. Use following steps to setup search page. Google custom search has been discarded since v2.0.7.

Minimal version
Configuration steps
1. No need for configuration, work out of box.
2. If you are upgrading from versions below v2.0.7, delete the old search page you created for your site.

404 Page

Theme cutie uses built-in 404 page. It supports a custom 404 art or tencent 404 charity page (腾讯404公益).

Minimal version
Configuration file
Configuration steps
1. Delete the old file of your site if you are upgrading from versions before v2.0.7.
2. No need for configuration, work out of box.
3. You may configure the built-in 404 page to use 腾讯公益404 or not, by default it is NOT using 腾讯公益404.
```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
# set true to enable 腾讯公益404
  tencent_404: true
Minimal version
Configuration file
Configuration format
Add social network names and links in the following format. Make sure the social network name matches the corresponding font awesome icon name. See here for the supported names and their icons.
```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
# As long as the name matches the font awesome icon name, you can add even more social links
Default configuration
If configuration is omitted. No icons will be shown at the bottom right corner in the footer.

Site announcement

Minimal version
Configuration file
Configuration steps
1. Site announcement will display at the bottom left corner of home page as a purple box.
2. Add following snippets to the configuration file to use, if omitted, site announcement is disabled.
```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
    text: This is a sample site announcement.
* The timeout duration for site announcement is 10s. The announcement popup will dismiss on click or on timeout.
* You may use HTML markups in the announcement text. For example, you may add a link to the text.
Minimal version
Configuration file
Configuration format
Set variable logo to your own icon’s link. Link can be either an external image link, or a relative link.
```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
logo: /images/logo.svg
Default configuration
If configuration is omitted. the following image will be used as the logo image.

Setup site name and subtitle

Minimal version
Configuration file
_config.yml of your site
Configuration format
Make sure your subtitle is not too log (better less than 30 characters).
`title` is a standard Hexo configuration.
`subtitle` is theme cutie's own configuration.

```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
title: Your site's title
subtitle: Your site's subtitle
Default configuration
If configuration is omitted. You will not see any texts in the header.
This configuration requires restarting the server.

Setup navigation menu

Minimal version
Configuration file
Configuration format
Add navigation item in the following format. link and icon can be external or internal. You can literally add any link to it.
```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
    link: /resume/
  "Menu item":
    link: /aaa/
Default configuration
If configuration is omitted. No text links will show up in the header navigation menu or in the dropdown menu on any view.
1. If there are more than four menu items, only the first four will be shown in the header (on desktop view). However, you can find all menu items in the last dropdown menu.
2. Do not use a very long menu item name. No more than three words, because there is some display issue when the name gets long.
3. Compared with v1.x, menu icon is no longer supported.


Theme cutie uses Light Gallery to support image modal display for posts. By default, it is enabled, but if you want to use other hexo plugins with similar functionality, you may want to disable it.

Minimal version
Configuration file
Configuration format
Set use_lightgallery to be true or false to enable or disable light gallery display for post images.
```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
  use_lightgallery: true
Default configuration
If configuration is omitted, by default light gallery is enabled for all posts.
It is currently not supported to enable or disable light gallery for an individual post.

Use post version

Theme cutie supports versioned post. Whenever the content of your post changes after you push your site, your visitors will see an unread badge on the post card in home page and archive pages.

Theme cutie uses Hashing and Cookie to track the post content change and the post content a visitor has last read. This feature does NOT use leancloud backend.

Minimal version

For all posts

Configuration file
Configuration format
Set enable_unread_badge to be true to enable post versioning and unread badge or false to disable this feature for all the posts.
```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
  enable_unread_badge: false
Default configuration
If configuration is omitted, by default this feature is disabled for all posts.

For an individual post

Configuration file
A post’s front matter
Configuration format
Set enable_unread_badge to be true to enable post versioning and unread badge or false to disable this feature for the individual post.
```yml post's front matter
enable_unread_badge: true
Default configuration
If configuration is omitted, the setting will roll back to the unread badge setting for all the posts.
This setting has higher priority than the setting for all the posts.

Setup TOC level

*[TOC]: Table of content

Minimal version

For all posts

Configuration file
Configuration format
Set toc_level under post to set the maximum level of headings in TOC for all posts. Allowed value is from 1 to 6.
```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
  toc_level: 2
Default configuration
If this configuration is omitted, by default maximum TOC level is set to 2 (meaning ## in markdown).

For an individual post

Configuration file
A post’s front matter
Configuration format
Use variable toc_level to set the maximum level of headings in TOC for an individual posts. Allowed value is from 1 to 6.
toc_level: 2
Default configuration
If variable is omitted in the post front matter, setting will fall back to the all-post-toc-setting.

Setup post comment

Minimal version

For all posts

Configuration file
Configuration format
Set allow_comment to be true or false to enable or disable comment section to be displayed for all posts.
```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
  allow_comment: true
Default configuration
If this configuration is omitted, by default comment section is enabled for all posts.

For an individual post

Configuration file
A post’s front matter
Configuration format
Use variable allow_comment to enable or disable comment section.
allow_comment: true
Default configuration
If variable is omitted in the post front matter, setting will fall back to the all-post-comment-setting.

Setup post copyright

Minimal version

Theme cutie uses Creative Commons licenses for copyright configuration. We use three nested variables to cover the major licenses in Creative Commons.

  • allow_share: allow post to be shared (true) or not (false).
    • allow_modification: allow post to be modified while sharing when true.
    • allow_commercial: allow post to be used for commercial purpose while sharing when true.

if allow_share is false, the other two variables will be ignored.

For all posts

Configuration file
Configuration format
Use the three variables under post to configure the all-post copyright setting.
```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
  allow_share: true
  allow_modification: false
  allow_commercial: false
Default configuration
If any of these configurations is omitted, the default setting for each one will fall back to following settings,
* allow_share: true, by default allowing sharing all posts.
* allow_modification: false, by default post is not allowed to be modified while sharing.
* allow_commercial: false, by default post is not allowed to be used for commercial purposes while sharing.
The corresponding default Creative Commons license is _CC BY-NC-ND 4.0_.

For an individual post

Configuration file
A post’s front matter
Configuration format
Use the same three variables to configure copyright setting for a specific post.
allow_share: true
allow_modification: false
allow_commercial: false
Default configuration
If any of these variables is omitted in the post front matter, setting will fall back to the all-post copyright setting.

Enable post visit and comment counts

Minimal version
This functionality only works when you use valine as comment system and use leancloud as backend.
Configuration steps
1. Configure valine comment system as described here.
2. You are all set and post visit counts and post comment counts will appear in all related pages.
* If backend is not set up properly, icons that show post visit and comment counts will be hidden.
* Post visit counts only unique visitors (meaning visitors with unique IPs).

Enable post thumb up

Minimal version
This functionality only works when you use valine as comment system and use leancloud as backend.
Configuration steps
1. Configure valine comment system as described here.
2. You are all set and post thumb up and thumb up counts will appear in all related pages.
* If backend is not set up properly, icons that show post thumbup status and counts will be hidden.
* Post thumb up counts only unique visitors (meaning visitors with unique IPs).

Use post announcement

Minimal version
Configuration file
post’s front matter
Configuration steps
Use following snippet to add your post annoucement
```yml post's front matter
  text: This is a sample post announcement!
* The default timeout for the announcement is 10 seconds. Note configurable for now.
* You may use HTML markups in the announcement text.

Set post excerpt

The post excerpt, displayed in the index page card on hover, may be manually set through front matter or adding the <!-- more --> tag plugin in the post.

Minimal version
Configuration file
post’s front matter, or tag plugin
Configuration waterfall
abstract variable in the front matter has the highest priority if set.
```yml post's front matter
abstract: A sample excerpt.

If `abstract` is not set, theme cutie will search `<!-- more -->` tag in the post content to identify the excerpt section and cut off the first 150 characters to be used as excerpt.

If both `abstract` and `<!-- more -->` are omitted, theme cutie will automatically chunk the first 150 characters in the post content to be used as excerpt.

Set post icon

The post icon, displayed on the top left cornder of the index page card, may be manually set through front matter in the post.

Minimal version
Configuration file
post’s front matter
Configuration waterfall
If icon variable in the post front matter is set, the system will use this icon for post.
```yml post's front matter
icon: /your/post/icon/path

I recommend you to use absolute path (starting with `/`) for the image path.

If `icon` variable is not set, but post belongs to category `notes` or `projects`, the system will use the default category icon for the post.

If both conditions are not satisified, the system will use a randomly generated texture image for the post.

Icon sets

Select an icon set

Minimal version
Configuration file
Configuration format
Change icon set by changing the name of the icon set in the following snippet. There are three available icon sets in the theme by default: blue-line, blue-shadow, and colorful-outlined.
```yml source/_data/cutie.yml
  icon_set: blue-line # Available values in theme: blue-line, blue-shadow, colorful-outlined
Default configuration


Add a new icon set

Minimal version
Configuration path
Configuration steps
1. Create a folder named icons in source/images/ folder.
2. Create an icon set folder icon-set-name(change it to your desired name) in source/images/icons/ folder.
3. Add your own four icons (keep the filename consistent) in svg format to source/images/icons/icon-set-name/ folder.
1. search.svg
2. archive.svg
3. menu.svg
4. toc.svg
4. Use your new icon set name icon-set-name in Select an existing icon set

Comment systems

Select comment systems

Minimal version
User configuration location
Configuration format
yml comment system global: comment_system: valine # Available values: valine, gitment, disqus
Possible values
valine(default), gitment, disqus, livere

After selecting one of the comment systems, you need to further configure it.

Configuration for valine comment system

Minimal version
User configuration location
Configuration format
yml valine configuration valine: appId: appKey: placeholder:
See to setup the backend and fill the values.
Default values
No default values, must fill if using the system.

Configuration for gitment comment system

Minimal version
User configuration location
Configuration format
yml gitment configuration gitment: owner: repo: client_id: client_secret:
See to setup the backend and fill the values.
Default values
No default values, must fill if using the system.

Configuration for Disqus comment system

Minimal version
User configuration location
Configuration format
yml disqus configuration disqus: shortname:
See to setup the backend and fill the value.
Default values
No default values, must fill if using the system.

Configuration for Livere comment system

Minimal version
User configuration location
Configuration format
yml livere configuration livere: id: 'city' # use 'city' if using free version or `premium` if using paid version uid:
The uid is the string you will see in the snippet provided by livere during installation, as shown in the following screenshot.
![Livere setup screenshot](livere_setup.png)
Default values
No default values, must fill if using the system.

Math Test